Artist Created These 20 Comics And Hopefully, They Might Make Your Day Better

Painted by the famous comics artist Libearty on Instagram, widely known as Libearty Cartoons sad, stingy, ironic, but funny. There are several topics not boring in Libearty comics. Especially those that need to be distinguished make fun of groups and them. There is already a lot of hatred in this world. The artist has an Instagram Create account and keeps your fans up to date with new and fun cartoons. the effort of the year finally paid off with the acquisition of 582k Instagram followers. The number is still counting.


Profile info instaGram

#1 No wonder he’s lived for centuries, wishes won’t come true if you say them out loud smh

#2 He just wants him to feel better, I like what actually happens tho cause it’s such a LARGE COINCIDENCE the moon is the perfect distance away from earth so that their size in the sky is almost the exact same


#3 The ONLY helpful motivational post in Instagram

#4 She just Go away? Without petting the dog? Monster!

#5 Remember people, support Ghost is always there for you, cheering for you. Don’t let Ghost down or the monsters of the bottomless of Adastha take you to rot in agony.






















There are several topics not boring in Libearty comics. Especially those that need to be distinguished make fun of groups and them. There is already a lot of hatred in this world. The artist has an Instagram Create account and keeps your fans up to date with new and fun cartoons. the effort of the year finally paid off with the acquisition of 582k Instagram followers. The number is still counting.

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